Git Gists

Common OpenSSH Commands Reference

Secure Shell, sometimes referred to as Secure Socket Shell (SSH), is a protocol which allows you to connect securely to a remote computer or a server by using a text-based interface. OpenSSH is an an open source SSH tool—widely used for Linux distributions. The same OpenSSH tool is also...

Common Git Commands Reference

Git is the most popular distributed version control system which is currently an actively maintained open-source project. Git supports many command-line tools and graphical user interfaces. Since there are many Git commands you can use, mastering Git takes time. The following set of commands are probably the most commonly...

How To Setup Automatic SSH-Agent for GitBash

Using below procedure, you shall be able to setup SSH-Agent to run automatically whenever GitBash is launched on Windows. The ssh-agent process will continue to run until you log out, shut down your computer, or kill the process. Also you may need to add your SSH keys separately unless...

How To Customize GitBash For Windows

By default the GitBash prompt settings / configuration come from shell script called ''. This is usually hosted inside 'profile.d' directory inside the GitBash installation directory. The below described method only focusses on customizing the 'GitBash' prompt and NOT about customizing default 'Bash' prompt on Linux terminals. fd30baa716dbfbe282fe147ab717b664

How To Install Pacman For Git on Windows

The 'Git for Windows' by default does not come with MSYS2 package manager called 'Pacman' and hence it is a limited version or subset of the MSYS2. Also the bash which supplied wih Git for Windows is not a full version of bash hence does not provide for full...



Basic PowerShell Commands That You Should Know

One of the key benefits of PowerShell is its object-oriented nature. Instead of working with text-based output like traditional command-line interfaces, PowerShell returns objects...

How To Always Open Files in New Tab in VSCode

The VSCode has rocketed its way to one of the top development IDEs due to its fresh look, usability, tons of feature sets, and...

How To Install Oh-My-Posh On Windows PowerShell

Oh-My-Posh is a powerful custom prompt engine for any shell that has the ability to adjust the prompt string with a function or variable....


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Interpreted Vs Compiled Languages

This is based on an excerpt from one of my favourite literature on VBScript and in fact, is quite relevant with respect to one of...
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