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Introduction to Apache Maven

1. What is Maven When you write a software application, there are many steps in it like adding the necessary JAR files, compiling the source code, running unit tests, creating the output jar/war file, etc. This is where Maven comes into play, it automates the build process, dependency management, testing,...

Getting Started With Hibernate

Introduction Hibernate is a framework which allows you to access database tables from Java code. Before Hibernate came into existence, JDBC was widely used. JDBC is an API to access a relational database from a java program. JDBC basically allows you to execute SQL statements from Java code, so any...

How To Sort List in Java

Introduction A List is an interface in the Java collection framework. It can be used to store objects. Programmers often encounter scenarios where they need to sort a List. There are several ways you can achieve this. In the next few sections, I will be going over each method in...

How To Convert String To Date in Java

Introduction There are often scenarios in programming, where you will need to convert a date in String format to an actual Date object. For example, such a scenario may occur when the date is read from an end user via a UI and sent to the back-end code. In this...
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How To Concatenate Strings in Java

Introduction In Java, a String is a sequence of characters. There are often programming situations where you will need to concatenate Strings. There are several ways in which you can achieve this. In the next few sections, I will be going over each method in detail. Using + Operator The + operator...

Setting Max/Min Digits For Decimal Numbers With Java DecimalFormat

The DecimalFormat class offers the following four such methods which can be used to easily set the maximum and/or minimum digits for decimal numbers. As shown in the below table, two of these methods can set max/min digits for integer part while the other two methods can do the...

Rounding Decimal Number With Java DecimalFormat

The DecimalFormat class has a method called setRoundingMode() which can be used for setting the rounding mode for DecimalFormat object. The setRoundingMode() accepts RoundingMode class object as the parameter. You can pass any of the Enum constants available in the RoundingMode class as parameter to the setRoundingMode() method to...

Format Decimal Numbers with Grouping Separator

The DecimalFormat class has a method called setGroupingSize() which sets how many digits of the integer part to group. Groups are separated by the grouping separator. Hence you can use setGroupingSize() method to change the default group digits number as you need. The following example demonstrates setting grouping separator for...
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Java DecimalFormat Class

When you need to format decimal numbers, such as taking three or two decimal places for a number, showing only the integer part of a number, etc. such scenarios can be tackled with java.text.DecimalFormatclass, which can help you to format numbers using your specified pattern. The java.text.DecimalFormat class is used...

Format Decimal Numbers using Strings Within Pattern

As mentioned in earlier posts, the java.text.DecimalFormat class is used to format decimal numbers via predefined patterns specified as String. Apart from the decimal separator, grouping separator, currency separator etc., It is also possible to mix String literals within the pattern. The following example demonstrates embedding String literals within pattern: b8c17d2e8b2af4b43df92c35de7031e8 The above...

Format Decimal Numbers Using Format Symbols

You can customize which symbols are used as decimal separator, grouping separator, currency seperator etc. using a DecimalFormatSymbols instance together with java.text.DecimalFormat class. The DecimalFormatSymbols instance can be passed to java.text.DecimalFormat constructor followed by the call to format() method of java.text.DecimalFormat to achieve the desired decimal separator,...


Convert List to Array Using Stream without Param

Java 8 has added the Stream API that helps to easily perform bulk operations on Collections. A new method called stream() has been added...

Convert String to java.time.LocalDate without Formatter

The LocalDate class has a parse method. You can use this to convert a String to a LocalDate. So, this code simply invokes the...

Rounding Decimal Number With Java DecimalFormat

The DecimalFormat class has a method called setRoundingMode() which can be used for setting the rounding mode for DecimalFormat object. The setRoundingMode() accepts RoundingMode...

Maven CLI Options and Switches Reference

Maven offers a good set of commands and CLI Options to carry out wide range of Dev tasks. Most of these commands are in...