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Introducing Testing-as-a-Service (TaaS)

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The ‘Cloud Computing’ technology has revolutionized the IT industry and it has something good to offer to the testing industry too. After Iaas, PaaS, and SaaS concepts, there is a new testing area called Testing as a Service (TaaS) that is making waves in recent times. Increasing IT costs, shrinking budgets and growing business demands pose a great challenge for organizations. Testing as a Service or Cloud Testing answers these challenges by providing cost-effective test solutions built using cutting-edge technologies.

Testing Challenges in Traditional Setup

The first and foremost challenge in today’s organizational setup is the limited budget for the testing team. With changing economic conditions and growing competition, companies have to optimize available resources to the fullest. Allocating separate budgets for testing projects is cumbersome. Moreover, there are strict deadlines that need to be met. Secondly, the testing team creates a large number of test cases that are mostly unused. At times, they are used only once. Thirdly, traditional testing procedures are restricted by geographical locations. Most importantly, there is rapid development in the testing tools segment. World-class testing tools that are engineered with cutting-edge technologies are implemented by large enterprises and small and medium businesses cannot afford to lay a hand on these tools. Cloud Testing offers the luxury of using these cutting-edge technologies at an affordable price. Moreover, TaaS brings greater levels of agility into workflow procedures while improving the performance of the system.

Cloud Testing

Cloud Testing is the new trend in the testing tools segment that uses the cloud environment to simulate real-time traffic. It uses different testing modules to gauge the performance of an application. With cloud-based services dominating the technology, there is a greater need for cloud-based testing.

Benefits of Cloud Testing

Testing as a Service is rapidly gaining momentum in recent times. The primal benefit of a cloud testing environment is the quick deployment of testing tools required for the project. Cloud Testing offers a wide range of testing tools that are built using cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, the testing environment is deployed within a quick time. The performance of the cloud-based testing tool is very good. By bringing agility into testing procedures, cloud testing tools reduce the time taken to identify non-critical defects as well as critical defects.

Most importantly, cloud testing allows businesses to leverage available resources to a maximum extent. You don’t have to invest in various testing modules that are not used most of the time. By paying only for the services used, businesses get the flexibility to optimize budgets and leverage resources. The downside of cloud testing is that it is not suited for some applications. However, the cloud testing environment is rapidly developing to provide a versatile range of services.

Cloud testing is again different from testing a cloud. While cloud testing is about testing an application in the cloud, testing the cloud deals with the evaluation of the cloud infrastructure, applications, and environments that are provided on demand. It is to make sure that the cloud infrastructure is performing according to its cloud computing business objectives.

Cloud Testing Providers

While the cloud testing environment is still new, there are few providers that offer quality testing software. HP Load Runner is one of the leading providers of cloud testing tools. SOASTA, Advaltis, and Cloud Assault are among other contenders for this place.

The ‘Cloud’ innovation is still on the move. Mobile TaaS is another cloud-based testing environment that is used to test mobile applications. With mobile applications created in great volumes, Mobile TaaS has much more to do in the coming days.

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