CronTab Basic Commands With Examples

Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems, which is used to automate repetitive tasks. It is a daemon (a background process) that runs continuously and executes commands at specified times, called cronjobs. A cronjob can be any command, script or program that needs to be executed at a specific time or interval. The crontab is a file...

Basic PowerShell Commands That You Should Know

One of the key benefits of PowerShell is its object-oriented nature. Instead of working with text-based output like traditional command-line interfaces, PowerShell returns objects that can be easily manipulated using its built-in cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets"). This makes it easy to automate complex tasks, as administrators can pipe the output of one cmdlet to another, building up a chain of...

How To Always Open Files in New Tab in VSCode

The VSCode has rocketed its way to one of the top development IDEs due to its fresh look, usability, tons of feature sets, and customization options besides being very lightweight. But such extensive customization options at times do overwhelm the user and sometimes make it a tedious task to find the precise customization option to tweak to meet your...

How To Install Oh-My-Posh On Windows PowerShell

Oh-My-Posh is a powerful custom prompt engine for any shell that has the ability to adjust the prompt string with a function or variable. It does not only beautify the terminal, but it also increases the work efficiency by adding lot of features related to usability, hints, history etc. It also comes with a good number of pre-built themes...

Common OpenSSH Commands Reference

Secure Shell, sometimes referred to as Secure Socket Shell (SSH), is a protocol which allows you to connect securely to a remote computer or a server by using a text-based interface. OpenSSH is an an open source SSH tool—widely used for Linux distributions. The same OpenSSH tool is also supplied/packaged by default with Git and enables Git authentication via...

Why WordPress Installation Ends Up with latest version?

1. Why You Need Older WordPress Versions Of course, running the latest version of WordPress is the best option for any website, but at times, there could be specific scenarios that may require working with an ‘older’ version of WordPress. For example, a very common scenario is when you may want to test a WordPress version upgrade on your localhost...


How To Use TestNG with Selenium

1. What is TestNG? TestNG is an open-source automated testing framework with flexible and powerful features. It is...


How To Change Your Default Linux Shell

The shell is a program that accepts and interprets commands. Besides bash, Linux supports many other shell...


Best Practices For Evaluating Automation Tool

With rapidly changing financial conditions, businesses face the tough challenge of optimizing resources to produce maximum results....


Maven Build Life Cycles, Phases and Goals

Maven’s Sequential Execution In Maven, you have the option of executing a build phase or build goal. But...

How To Create Dashboards with Jira

What is a Jira Dashboard? The Jira dashboard is like a control panel for your projects. You can create several dashboards for each project you work on, or you can view your system in different ways. Furthermore, Jira has some advanced apps and gadgets that allow you to keep track of your projects and related issues. The development teams can...

How To Install XAMPP on Windows

What is XAMPP The full form of XAMPP stands for Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB (MySQL), PHP and Perl. It is one of the simplest and lightweight local servers or more precisely a package of bundled open-source software containing standard web development tools to develop/test your website locally. It is available as open-source software created by Apache Friends and is very common among...

How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse With Archetype

Maven Basics Maven automates the steps involved in building a software application like adding the JAR files, compiling code, running unit tests, creating the output jar/war file, etc. This makes the code less error-prone. Maven uses an XML configuration file known as the POM file. Developers need to specify information like the JAR files required by an application, the type...

How To Change Font for Eclipse Editor Pane

This article shows how to change the text size and style for the Eclipse editor pane. The font used for Eclipse editor pane can be customized with font preference. This preference is located under "Basic" settings and can be found in Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts. Open Eclipse Preferences Open the Eclipse Preferences via Window...

Types of Linux Shell Sessions

(A) Login Shell A login shell is a shell where you login, either via the terminal or via SSH. If the user first logs in into a terminal session or SSH via authentication, such a shell session will be considered as a login shell. In other words, a login session is a shell session that starts by authenticating or identifying the user. Login...

Configuring Maven Compiler Plugin (Java)

1. What is Maven Compiler Plugin The ‘Maven Compiler Plugin’ or more commonly known as 'Maven Java Compiler' is used to compile the source code of your project/application. Internally this plugin uses the standard 'javac' compiler (JDK) and as of version 3.0 of this plugin the default compiler is javax.tools.JavaCompiler Unlike other Maven plugins, the ‘maven compiler plugin’ is ‘in-built’ and...

How To Do Database Testing with JMeter

Introduction In this 'How-To', You will be guided to perform a database load test using JMeter. We will be installing Apache JMeter to perform the test. You can download Apache Jmeter from this link as your first step and keep it ready for further steps to follow where we shall be creating, running and analyzing simple demo-based database test script...


How To Write Windows Environment Variables With VBScript

This is in continuation to the last post where we saw how to read windows environment variables using...

Format Decimal Numbers with Grouping Separator

The DecimalFormat class has a method called setGroupingSize() which sets how many digits of the integer part to...

How To Install Pacman For Git on Windows

The 'Git for Windows' by default does not come with MSYS2 package manager called 'Pacman' and hence it...


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