Maven Build Life Cycles, Phases and Goals

Maven’s Sequential Execution In Maven, you have the option of executing a build phase or build goal. But unlike build goals, which can be called and executed individually, Maven follows a sequential or hierarchical order of execution for build phases. For example, if you run a phase that is at level 5 in the life cycle hierarchy, all preceding phases...

Maven CLI Options and Switches Reference

Maven offers a good set of commands and CLI Options to carry out wide range of Dev tasks. Most of these commands are in fact Maven build life cycles, phases and goals. Here is a list of common Maven commands along with explanation. But before we go through the Maven commands, it is good idea to understand the structure or...

How To Set XAMPP To Run As-Admin By Default

Why run XAMPP as-admin The XAMPP is recommended to be executed as-admin as it requires running a couple of system services such as Apache, MySQL etc. Also if you have not installed Apache or MySQL as system services, the XAMPP services may still require to access and operate custom system ports especially port 1024 and above which may again require...

How To Create Dashboards with Jira

What is a Jira Dashboard? The Jira dashboard is like a control panel for your projects. You can create several dashboards for each project you work on, or you can view your system in different ways. Furthermore, Jira has some advanced apps and gadgets that allow you to keep track of your projects and related issues. The development teams can...

How To Install XAMPP on Windows

What is XAMPP The full form of XAMPP stands for Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB (MySQL), PHP and Perl. It is one of the simplest and lightweight local servers or more precisely a package of bundled open-source software containing standard web development tools to develop/test your website locally. It is available as open-source software created by Apache Friends and is very common among...

How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse With Archetype

Maven Basics Maven automates the steps involved in building a software application like adding the JAR files, compiling code, running unit tests, creating the output jar/war file, etc. This makes the code less error-prone. Maven uses an XML configuration file known as the POM file. Developers need to specify information like the JAR files required by an application, the type...


A Brief Review Of WATIR

WATIR stands for 'Web Testing Application in Ruby'. It is an OLE-based testing application that automates your...


How To Setup Automatic SSH-Agent for GitBash

Using below procedure, you shall be able to setup SSH-Agent to run automatically whenever GitBash is launched...


Common Issues with HP Load Runner

HP Load Runner is a popular automated load and performance testing tool that emulates actual load to...


Concatenate Strings Using String Joiner

Java 8 has added a new class called StringJoiner. This concatenates Strings using a delimiter as well...

Format Decimal Numbers using Strings Within Pattern

As mentioned in earlier posts, the java.text.DecimalFormat class is used to format decimal numbers via predefined patterns specified as String. Apart from the decimal separator, grouping separator, currency separator etc., It is also possible to mix String literals within the pattern. The following example demonstrates embedding String literals within pattern: b8c17d2e8b2af4b43df92c35de7031e8 The above code produces the following output: My formatted number is 170,180.246

Format Decimal Numbers Using Format Symbols

You can customize which symbols are used as decimal separator, grouping separator, currency seperator etc. using a DecimalFormatSymbols instance together with java.text.DecimalFormat class. The DecimalFormatSymbols instance can be passed to java.text.DecimalFormat constructor followed by the call to format() method of java.text.DecimalFormat to achieve the desired decimal separator, grouping separator character etc. The following example demonstrates formatting using DecimalFormatSymbols: 6a0a52cac039f0020809ed8feb43ddb9 The...

Format Decimal Numbers Using Locale

If you want to create a DecimalFormat instance for a specific Locale, create a NumberFormat and cast it to a DecimalFormat. The java.text.DecimalFormat class is used to format numbers using a user specified formatting. This concrete subclass of NumberFormat, allows formatting decimal numbers via predefined patterns specified as String . It has a variety of features designed to make it...

Desired Capabilities in Selenium Web Driver

1. Desired Capabilities in Selenium The performance of a Web application may vary according to different browsers and operating systems. Hence to ship out a near-consistent functional and performant application, it calls for testing your applications against different browsers or browser configurations. That is where Selenium's 'Desired Capabilities' class comes into the picture. 'DesiredCapabilities' is a class in Selenium that can...

Format Decimal Numbers Using Pattern

The java.text.DecimalFormat class is used to format numbers using a user specified formatting. This concrete subclass of NumberFormat, allows formatting decimal numbers via predefined patterns specified as String. It has a variety of features designed to make it possible to parse and format numbers in any locale The following example shows formatting decimal numbers using various string patterns: 4c8d7923a6dcd7cdc6ac489ba6c59bdc The above code...

Java Tutorial #7 Part 1 – Classes & Objects

Classes are a very important concept in Java. Java code always needs to be written in a class. In this article, we will be taking a very close look at classes and understanding their syntax and semantics. Classes and objects A class defines a new data type. Once defined, this new type can be used to create objects of that type....

How To Use Mouse and Keyboard Events with Selenium

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use mouse click events and keyboard events with Selenium WebDriver. The mouse click and keyboard events are used to automate the interactions of a user with a mouse and keyboard. Action & Actions We encourage the use of Action and Actions together with the keyboard and mouse events. Action & Actions are user-facing...


CronTab Basic Commands With Examples

Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems, which is used to automate repetitive tasks. It...

Concatenate Strings Using String.join() for Collections

There is an overloaded version of the String.join method that accepts as parameter an Iterable implementation. Since all...

Convert List to Array Using ToArray Without Param

Java provides a toArray method on the 'List' interface. This can be used to convert a 'List' to...


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