Table of Contents
- 1. Selenium WebElements
- 2. WebElement Locators
- 3. Working With Text Box
- 4. Working With Buttons
- 5. Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
- 6. Selecting from Drop-Downs
- 7. File Uploads
- 8. Locating Links
- 9. Summary
In our previous tutorial, Getting Started with Selenium WebDriver, we discussed the way to set up the environment for automating testing using Selenium and wrote a basic script to do a simple test. In this tutorial, we will discuss other functionalities of the Selenium Web Driver in depth with examples.
1. Selenium WebElements
Web Element is a class in Web Driver to handle different HTML elements of a web page. It can locate and perform different functionalities upon them. Following are the two methods, commonly used to obtain AUT elements directly and to store them as WebElement objects.
In order to create objects of WebElement, we need to import the package Selenium.WebElement
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
2. WebElement Locators
Locating different web elements are extremely crucial in testing web pages since the chance of ending up with incorrect elements is higher. Therefore, Selenium WebElement has introduced several different ”Locators” to locate web elements using their unique properties precisely. They can be easily identified using the Selenium IDE or Browser’s Developer Tool. Below is a list of Locators and their syntaxes.
Locator | Syntax | Description |
ID | driver.findElement(“<ID_OF_THE_ELEMENT>”) | Finds element using ID attribute. |
name | driver.findElement(“<NAME_OF_THE_ELEMENT>”) | Finds element using name attribute |
className | driver.findElement(By.className(“<CLASS_NAME_OF_THE_ELEMENT>”) | Finds element using their class |
linkText | driver.findElement(By.linkText(“<TEXT_IN_THE_LINK>”) | Finds element using text in the link |
partialLinkText | driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(“<PARTIAL_TEXT_IN_THE_LINK>”) | Finds element using part of the text in the link |
xpath | driver.findElement(By.xpath(“<xpath_OF_THE_ELEMENT>”) | Finds element using xpath attribute |
cssSelector | driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(“<cssSelector_OF_THE_ELEMENT>”) | Finds element using css selector |
tagName | driver.findElement(“<tagName_OF_THE_ELEMENT>”) | Finds element using name of their tag |
Once the elements are located, different functionalities can be performed on them. In this tutorial, we will be using a sample web form to explain how Selenium WebElements can be used to test its various form elements.
3. Working With Text Box
Initially, we need to create WebElements for the ‘Firstname’ and ‘Lastname’ fields.
Once the element objects are made, the first thing to do is to clear the text, which is already in the text field. This is done by the clear() method.
Finally, we can enter the relevant text using the sendKeys() method by sending the text value as the parameter.
4. Working With Buttons
Buttons are usually accessed through the click() method. In the case of Submit buttons, the submit() method will be used to submit all the inputs to the server.
In this case, the className is used as the locator to find the button.
5. Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
Toggling checkboxes on or off and selecting radio buttons are done using the click() method.
The checkbox element is located using its XPath. This code checks if the checkbox is selected or not and then prints a message.
In the case of Radio Buttons, it is located using cssSelector.
6. Selecting from Drop-Downs
Before selecting values from a drop-down, we need to import a package.
Once that is done, we can declare the drop-down as a Select object.
Now we can control the drop-down by selecting its values using different methods defined in the Select class.
We can repeat the above code with different parameters when selecting multiple items.
7. File Uploads
There are a couple of solutions available for implementing ‘File Upload’ functionality within your selenium scripts. However, not all solutions may work on all applications because at times it may depend on typical ‘design or kind of implementation’ your application or website uses at the backend and/or client end.
However here is one such, simple implementation for File uploading. In the below snippet ‘File Uploading’ is simply done by locating the file-select input field and by entering the path of the file to be uploaded using the sendKeys() method.
8. Locating Links
We can locate links and access them using the linkText() and partialLinkText() locators. In the below example, we will obtain the link with its complete text using linkText() and part of the link text using partialLinkText() locator.
Here is the complete code.
package newPackage; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; public class myClass { public static void main(String[]args) throws InterruptedException{ System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\\geckodriver\\geckodriver.exe"); WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); String baseUrl = ""; String pageTitle=""; driver.get(baseUrl); //Clicking a link text using linkText Locator driver.findElement(By.linkText("Partial Link Test")).click(); System.out.println(driver.getTitle()); Thread.sleep(1000); //Clicking a link text using partialLinkText Locator driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Partial")).click(); System.out.println(driver.getTitle()); //Capturing the page title pageTitle = driver.getTitle(); //Get webElements for First name and Last name text boxes //Locator by name WebElement firstName= driver.findElement("firstname")); //Locator by Id WebElement lastName= driver.findElement("lastname")); //Clearing the text fields firstName.clear(); lastName.clear(); //Entering values to the text field firstName.sendKeys("John"); lastName.sendKeys("Doe"); //Get webElements for gender radio buttons using cssSelector WebElement radioMale=driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input#sex-0")); //Selecting it using click()method and printing their values.; System.out.println("Male Selected"); WebElement radioFmale=driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input#sex-1"));; System.out.println("Female Selected"); //Selecting years of experience radio button WebElement yrsExp= driver.findElement("exp-2"));; //Printing the number of experience selected System.out.println("Years of Experience = " + yrsExp.getText()); //Entering values in Date text box WebElement date= driver.findElement("datepicker")); date.sendKeys("17-12-2019"); //Selecting Profession Check box WebElement prof= driver.findElement("profession-0"));; //uploading a file WebElement uploadElement = driver.findElement("photo")); uploadElement.sendKeys("C:\\profilePic.jpg"); //Creating web element for selecting Automation tool using xpath WebElement selQtp= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\'tool-0']")); // Toggling on and off to see if selected; if (selQtp.isSelected()) System.out.println("QTP Selected"); else System.out.println("QTP Not Selected"); //Unchecking; if (!selQtp.isSelected()) System.out.println("QTP Not Selected"); //Selecting single continent using drop down Select singleContiDrp = new Select(driver.findElement("continents"))); singleContiDrp.deselectByVisibleText("South America"); //Selecting multiple continent using drop down Select contiDrp = new Select(driver.findElement("continentsmultiple"))); contiDrp.deselectByVisibleText("Asia"); contiDrp.deselectByVisibleText("Europe"); //Locating button using className WebElement firstBtn= driver.findElement(By.className("btn btn-info"));; Thread.sleep(1000); if (pageTitle.contentEquals(driver.getTitle())){ System.out.println("Test Passed!"); } else { System.out.println("Test Failed");} driver.close(); } }
9. Summary
- Selenium web driver captures different form elements using Selenium WebElements.
- WebElement uses different properties like ID, name, className, cssSelector, link text, and xpath of the form elements to locate them using the findElement() method.
- The sendKey() method is used to enter values to the text field, and a clear() method is used to delete values in the text field.
- Buttons, Radio buttons, and Checkboxes can be clicked using the Click() method.
- Dropdowns should be instantiated as an object of the ‘Select’ class to control them within a Selenium script.